The daily meditation schedule is set out below.
Zazen Days will be held in the Galway Dojo on: January 19th, February 16th, March 8th, April 4th, May 17th, June 14th and July 12th. The days begin at 9am and end at 5pm. Come for all or part of the day. The Zazen Day on Sunday, March 8th, will be led by Alain Tainan Liebmann.
For information please email: or call Tom on (086)351 2750
There will be Zazen days in the Galway Zen Dojo on Sunday 22nd September and Sunday 20th October from 9am until 5pm. Come for all or part of the day.
For information please email: or call Tom on (086) 351 2750
There will be a Zen day in the Galway Zen Dojo on Sunday 26th of May from 9am until 5pm. Come for all or part of the day.
For information please email: or call Tom: (086) 351 2750